23 July 2024
Alleluia Conference
July 23-26
Baylor University
Session Topics Jens Korndörfer
More than Four-Part Harmony: Creative Hymn Playing I
Modulating, transposing & re-harmonizing exercises to help you ‘step up’ your last verse.
More than Four-Part Harmony: Creative Hymn Playing II
What to do if a hymn has 6 verses? Varied hymn accompaniments to create variety in congregational singing with more than just registration changes.
Easy Improvisations Based on Great Models
Bach ‘copied’ from other composers to create his own masterworks – we will follow the same principle to create our own improvisations.
How to Build & Expand a Concert Series
In his previous position, Dr. Korndörfer grew the concert series from 4 to 18 concerts per season; in this class he will share how he accomplished this.
Tips & Tricks for Small Organs
Tired of always hearing the same sounds? There are many creative ways to maximize the resources of small organs and make them sound like larger instruments.
Participants play a piece of their choice and receive guidance on technical and musical questions from Dr. Korndörfer.
Pedal Technique (not just) for Pianists
Build confidence in using your feet with these exercises and tips that will develop or improve your skills on the pedal board.
More Information
Organ Clinician at Baylor University's Annual Alleluia Conference, organized by the Dunn Center for Christian Music Studies